Saturday 2 July 2011


We have chosen all the species that we are going to write about and illustrate for the Orkney Book of Wildflowers. It wasn't an easy task and there are some species that we would have liked to incorporate not just because they are common or pretty but also because they are part of the Orkney landscape. Species that fall into that category include Red Poppy, Blue Geranium and even Rhubarb. Last Tuesday while returning from Yesnaby, I came across another flower, Fox-and-cubs, that falls into this category.  It is certainly not as common as either of the three I've just mentioned but according to Elaine Bullard, does occur in two 'islandised squares', Rousay and Papa Westray. Well in fact it occurs in at least three squares - add Sandwick to that list. However, we've decided that it won't feature in the book and that's down to two reasons: i) it's not widespread enough and ii) it's a garden escape or outcast. I know that's all rather damning so I thought it would be reasonable to put in a few photos of this rather stunning plant and the slash of red that lights up the Voy quarry.

                                                                                                           The slash of red







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